Monday, July 13, 2009

Al Qaeda Said to Enjoy Better Press Than Palin

NEW YORK, NY-- A new study released today shows that ex-Governor Sarah Palin received worst press in 2009 than the terrorist group Al Qaeda.

Using The New York Times, Newsweek and MSNBC as the sources, the percentage of negative mentions for Sarah Palin was 68%, neutral mentions 30% and positive mentions 2%. The same news sources gave Al Qaeda 51% negative mentions, 47% neutral and 2% positive.

A spokesman for a militant cell of Al Qaeda in western Pakistan vowed to improve their favorability ratings, concentrating particularly on MSNBC.

"We got our 2% positive ratings from them and I think we can improve on that. I bet if we strongly criticize Sarah Palin we can get some praise from Keith Olbermann."

Some bloggers on the Left were frank in their hatred for Palin.

"I can't stand ditzy, Christian, pro-life women politicians. I prefer pro-death, anti-Bush terrorists! At least their heart's are in the right place!"

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