Friday, April 20, 2007

"Gotcha" Journalism Now on Comedy Central

Comedy Central has just announced plans to air a series that will highlight the foilibles of internet sites like The Drudge Report.

The show, which makes fun of "gotcha" journalism, is expected to parody "scandals" like Simon Cowell's eye roll during American Idol and John McCain's singing about bombing Iran.

Wired reporter Robert Gatt says that "'gotcha' journalism has jumped the shark. People now laugh at Drudge instead of becoming outraged at the intended target. We want to capitalize on this by poking fun at the masters of the freeze-frame photo and out-of-context remark."

Sam Harriston of "News of the Nanosecond" and co-producer of the as yet untitled show, predicts many silly moments to come.

"It's a bull market for 'gotcha' moments. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw clips of presidential candidates saying the word 'ass' during a speech, though of course it will be edited from another word such as 'asinine' -- which I think would be truly asinine."

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