The Matalin-Carville Family Sitcom! ("That's Carville-Matalin, Honey!") (cue laugh track)
Mary: "Honey, the kids missed the bus. Can you take them?"
James: "That's the third time in two weeks! Think of our carbon footprint!"
Mary: "Have you forgotten that liberals don't believe in personal responsibility but in government mandates?"
James: "Oh that's right. Just another reason I love being a Democrat!" (cue laugh track)
(Eleven hours later)
James: "Honey, I'm home!"
Mary: "Hi, my cute little snake-eyed, bald-headed socialist! How was your day?"
James: "Hey did you just call me a socialist?" (cue laugh track)
Mary: "Only as a term of endearment sweetie."
James: "Well your gun-totin', God-fearin', pro-life, patriotic Republican friends have the nerve to call Obama a socialist!"
Mary: "Well y'all should've nominated Hillary then."
James: "Y'all'd be calling Hillary a socialist by now too."
Mary: "But that wouldn't fly since everyone knows Hillary's a Hillaryist. She's for anything that would get her elected!" (cue laugh track)(Later that night...)
James: "Let's snuggle up and whisper sweet capital gains hikes in each others ears!"
Mary: "You mean cuts honey, and you know I can't resist it you when you talk dirty." (cue laugh track)
Did you have to post their pictures too?
Ha, good point! I may have to remove that.
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